- The Sting. Well, gaw-damn Robert Redford and Paul Newman. Don’t get too distracted by their good looks, this classic heist movie is fast-paced and has a few didn’t see that one coming moments.
- Meet the Patels. Finding the One takes a village and then a few more. This charming and funny documentary provides insight into the intricate dating world of Indian Americans.
- Pioneer Girl by Bich Minh Nguyen. Nguyen’s eloquent prose brings life to a common battle of wanting to make your parents happy but also desiring to create your own life. The Little House on the Prairie element adds an adventure aspect we all seek.
- The Britney Spears Comeback Narrative is All About Saddling Women with Impossible Expectations. Amen. Let us live.
- Saint Motel. An indie pop band who has recently brought an 80s fervor into their songs. “Cold Cold Man” and “Midnight Movies” for pregaming.
That Sting movie looks great